Six tips to create a luxury outdoor home-office

Buyer interest in properties with a dedicated home-office has soared as we emerge from lockdown restrictions.

A balanced lifestyle in which you can work effectively and comfortably from home has become a priority for many buyers seeking to move up the property ladder and find their perfect family home.

Garden rooms that have the internet piped in are almost as sought-after as quality bathrooms and a well-appointed kitchen. A quiet space where you can work but then step away and shut the door when you’re finished, is a huge tick in the box for buyers right now.

If you’re thinking of selling your home in the next few months, you’re no doubt wondering what improvements you can make to maximise its value.

As your local real estate agent, we’ll be happy to discuss your options and advise you on which those fixes and improvements will actually add value, rather than go unnoticed by the buyer.

Installing a garden room for a home-office can increase the value of your home and attract a newly emerging group of wealthy buyers. We have outlined six tips to guide you.

  • It’s all about location – The backyard is best, and the site should be flat and dry. Make sure the best aesthetic angle of the room is visible from the house. Be aware, most councils want it at least 90cm from your boundary.
  • Use it to fix other problems – You might position the room in a shady area of the garden, or so it can block your view to a neighbouring property. That will improve your privacy, too.
  • Keep everything in proportion – Don’t be overly ambitious with the size of the room. You don’t want to cramp the rest of the garden. Mark out a plot with some spray paint, measure it and then see what is on the market that’s suitable in terms of size.
  • Select your style – There are all sorts of garden rooms available. Try to keep it in the style of your home for consistency. If that doesn’t work for you, we suggest it has the same colour scheme as the house.
  • Let in the light – Position your doors and windows so they capture the best of the light and warmth of the sun that comes into your garden. No one wants to work in a cold, dark office.
  • Blend into the garden – A small deck can allow the garden to flow towards your home-office. And a deck gives the room additional utility, too. Add some plants and pots around the room to enhance its sense of place in the garden.

Obviously, this is an ambitious renovation but it can add great value to your home when the times comes to sell. We’d welcome the opportunity to talk to you about how to prepare your home for sale and how much it is likely to fetch in today’s market.

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Six tips to create a luxury outdoor home-office